Starting my Master Thesis

Today, I took the first step towards starting my master’s thesis. I have decided to document my journey and experiences on my blog. Given that the thesis will play a pivotal role in my life for the next nine months, I expect it to be a thrilling journey. Finding a topic As a student at Open Universiteit in The Netherlands, I had the opportunity to work with the Rascal programming language during the Software Quality Management course....

April 13, 2023 - 5 min Arjen Wiersma

Open Universiteit: Software Quality Management

Background I have been working on getting my Master’s degree in Software Engineering. To do this I have started following courses at the Dutch Open Universiteit. They have a Master’s program that takes 2 years and you are able to follow it from home. As this is my first post on the courses, I will give some background. As a teacher it is recommended to have a Master’s degree. As I had a whole lot of work experience my teaching activities were not a problem, but from an overall point of view I was advised to pursue an Master degree....

March 25, 2023 - 3 min Arjen Wiersma